1) Design
a website for shopping.
2. Design a webpage
to enter employee information such
as Empno, Name, Dept(sales,Accounts,IT)
and basic salary. Use
the following buttons for,
-> for adding the
to the database (Insert at least 10 records).
Display All -> for displaying all the records from the database
Display Department wise -> to
display information of only those
employees working in specified department.
When ‘Display All’ is clicked
show all the records in tabular format.
· When
‘Department’ is clicked
, accept department name through script code in the
home page, pass it to the next page and display the
belonging to the specified
department in above format.
If the Specified department is not found
proper message.
3 Design a webpage to enter Student information such as Student no, Student Name, marks in 3 subjects. Use the following buttons for,
-> for adding the
to the database (Insert at least 5 records).
Calculate total, %, grade and store it.
Display – Display the records
the database Calculate total, %, grade and store it.
4. Design a webpage
to enter Book information in
a library such
as Acc.no, Author , Title
, publication, Volume,
Edition. Use the following buttons for,
-> for adding the
to the database (Insert at least 5 records).
Display All -> for displaying all the records from the database
Delete outdated Book
-> To delete a
by specifying accession no.
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