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Chapter 1: Introduction to HTML and CSS | HTML,CSS, JavaScript and VBScript

1.1  What is HTML
·           HTML is an acronym which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
·     Hyper Text: Hyper Text simply means "Text within Text". A text has a link within it, is a hypertext. Every time when you click on a word which brings you to a new web page, you have clicked on a hypertext.
·       Markup language: A markup language is a programming language that is used make text more interactive and dynamic. It can turn a text into images, tables, links etc.
1.2  Features of HTML
1) It is a very easy and simple language. It can be easily understood and modified.
2) It is very easy to make effective presentation with HTML because it has a lot of formatting tags.
3) It is a markup language so it provides a flexible way to design web pages along with the text.
4) It facilitates programmers to add link on the web pages (by html anchor tag), so it enhances the interest of browsing of the user.
5) It is platform-independent because it can be displayed on any platform like Windows, Linux and Macintosh etc.
6) It facilitates the programmer to add Graphics, Videos, and Sound to the web pages which makes it more attractive and interactive.
1.3 How Markup Works
HTML is a markup language. Writing in a markup language means that you start with the text of your page and add special tags around words and paragraphs. The tags indicate the different parts of the page and produce different effects in the browser.
HTML has a defined set of tags you can use. You can’t make up your own tags to create new styles or features. And just to make sure that things are really confusing, various browsers support different sets of tags.
1.4 How Markup Works
HTML is a markup language. Writing in a markup language means that you start with the text of your page and add special tags around words and paragraphs. The tags indicate the different parts of the page and produce different effects in the browser.
HTML has a defined set of tags you can use. You can’t make up your own tags to create new styles or features. And just to make sure that things are really confusing, various browsers support different sets of tags.
1.5 Structure of HTML Document

The main parts of our element are:
1.      The opening tag: This consists of the name of the element (in this case, p), wrapped in opening and closing angle brackets. This states where the element begins or starts to take effect — in this case where the start of the paragraph is.
2.      The closing tag: This is the same as the opening tag, except that it includes a forward slash before the element name. This states where the element ends — in this case where the end of the paragraph is. Failing to include a closing tag is a common beginner error and can lead to strange results.
3.      The content: This is the content of the element, which in this case is just text.
4.      The element: The opening tag plus the closing tag plus the content equals the element.

1.6 Structuring Your HTML
HTML defines three tags that are used to define the page’s overall structure and provide some simple header information . These three tags—<html>, <head>, and <body>—makeup the basic skeleton of every web page. They also provide simple information about the page (such as its title or its author) before loading the entire thing. The page structure tags don’t affect what the page looks like when it’s displayed; they’re only there to help browsers.
The <html>Tag
The first page structure tag in every HTML page is the <html> tag. It indicates that the content of this file is in the HTML language.
All the text and HTML elements in your web page should be placed within the beginning and ending HTML tags, like this:
The <html> tag serves as a container for all of the tags that make up the page.
The <head>Tag
The <head> tag is a container for the tags that contain information about the page, rather than information that will be displayed on the page. Generally, only a few tags are used in the <head> portion of the page (most notably, the page title, described later). You should never put any of the text of your page into the header (between <head> tags).

Here’s a typical example of how you properly use the <head> tag.
The <body>Tag

The content of your HTML page (represented in the following example as ...your page...) resides within the <body> tag. This includes all the text and other content (links,pictures, and so on). In combination with the <html> and <head> tags, your page will look something like this:

You might notice here that the tags are nested. That is, both <body> and </body> tags go inside the <html> tags; the same with both <head> tags. All HTML tags work this way, forming individual nested sections of text. You should be careful never to overlap tags.
Whenever you close an HTML tag, make sure that you’re closing the most recent unclosed tag.
The Title
Each HTML page needs a title to indicate what the page describes. It appears in the title bar of the browser when people view the web page. The title is stored in your browser’s bookmarks and in search engines when they index your pages. Use the<title>tag to give a page a title.
<title> tags are placed within the<head>tag and are normally used to describe the contents of the page.
Each page can have only one title, and that title can contain only plain text; that is, no other tags should appear inside the title.
1.7 HTML Elements
·         HTML elements are the fundamentals of HTML. HTML documents are simply a text file made up of HTML elements. These elements are defined using HTML tags.
·         An HTML element is an individual component of an HTML document. Any given web page consists of many HTML elements.
·         HTML tags tell your browser which elements to present and how to present them. Where the element appears is determined by the order in which the tags appear.
·         There are two important categories of elements in HTML which you should know about. They are block-level elements and inline elements.
ü  Block-level elements form a visible block on a page — they will appear on a new line from whatever content went before it, and any content that goes after it will also appear on a new line. Block-level elements tend to be structural elements on the page that represent, for example, paragraphs, lists, navigation menus, footers, etc. A block-level element wouldn't be nested inside an inline element, but it might be nested inside another block-level element.
ü  Inline elements are those that are contained within block-level elements and surround only small parts of the document’s content, not entire paragraphs and groupings of content. An inline element will not cause a new line to appear in the document; they would normally appear inside a paragraph of text, for example an <a> element (hyperlink) or emphasis elements such as <em> or <strong>.
1.8 Attributes
·         An attribute is used to provide extra or additional information about an element.
·         All HTML elements can have attributes. Attributes provide additional information about an element
·         It takes two parameters: a name and a value. These define the properties of the element and is placed inside the opening tag of the element. The name parameter takes the name of the property we would like to assign to the element and the value takes the properties value or extent of the property names that can be aligned over the element.
·         Every name has some value that must be written within quotes

<element attribute_name="attribute_value">
1.   src Attribute :If we want to insert an image into a webpage, then we need to use the tag and the src attribute. We will need to specify the address of the image as the attribute’s value inside the double quote.

2.  alt Attribute : As the name goes this is an alternate tag that is used to show or display something if the primary attribute i.e., the tag, fails to display the value assigned to it. This can also be used to describe the image to a developer who is actually sitting at the coding end.

3. The width and height Attribute: This attribute is used to adjust the width and height of an image.

4. The id Attribute: This attribute is used to provide a unique identification to an element. Situations may arise when we will need to access a particular element which may have a similar name as the others. In that case, we provide different ids to various elements so that they can be uniquely accessed. 

 5. The title Attribute: The title attribute is used to explain an element on hovering the mouse over it. The behavior differs with various elements but generally the value is displayed while loading or hovering mouse pointer over it.

  6. The href Attribute: This attribute is used to specify a link to any address. This attribute is used along with <a> tag. The link put inside the href attribute gets linked to the text displayed inside the<a> tag.

     On clicking on the text we will be redirected to the link. By default, the link gets opened in the same tag but by using the attribute and setting its value to “_blank”, we will be redirected to another tab or another window based on the browsers configuration.

7.  The style Attribute: This attribute is used to provide various CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) effects to the HTML elements such as increasing font-size, changing font-family, coloring etc. 

8.   The lang attribute: The language is declared with the lang attribute. Declaring a language is can be important for accessibility applications and search engines.



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