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What is Microsoft .Net ?
Before explaining about .Net framework, let me explain, what actually framework is. Consider a simple example, suppose we have to cut a piece of paper into 1000 pieces of equal dimensions. Now what we can do that each time we can take measurement of required dimension and try to cut the paper into 1000 pieces. While another way is that instead of measuring and cutting the paper, again and again, we can just do both tasks for one piece, and use the same process for rest of the pieces.
In the same way a framework is, instead of performing the same type of task again and again for the same type of application, we create a framework having all the facilities together in one nice packet and hence providing an abstraction for our application.
Now coming back to .Net framework, it is actually a framework developed by Microsoft. It runs only on Microsoft windows.
Two important aspects are:-
- It contains large class library named as FCL(Framework Class Library) which we can be used by developers to combine with to their source code.
-CLR (Common Language Runtime) provides a software environment where we can execute our developed application.
There are various other components that .Net framework involves. For example,
CLI (Common Language Infrastructure)
CIL(Common Integrated Language)
CLR(Common Language Runtime) and many more.
One of the most important reasons why we go for .Net framework is that Language Interoperability (each language supported by .Net framework can use code written in different languages). And we can build any type of application that can run on any platform.

.Net job opportunities ?
This is a very interesting question, Microsoft being a market leader in Software industry, requirements for .Net developers are always in demand.

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